Natural Logarithmic Timeline of Earth v1.2 — updated & refined
This logarithmic timeline is created using the base number (e), correlated to the point in time when the Sun and the planets divided mass, (according to accepted science).
Observe the odd curiosity that the natural logs of whole numbers under 100 precisely aligns to the accepted ages of several planets, including the Sun, Earth, and Moon, (when counted as billions of years).
The number 100 precisely aligns to the age of the Solar System as a whole.
The natural log of 100 is 4.605. Multiplied by 1 billion, that is the exact estimated age of the Solar System as a whole, 4.605 billion years old.
FORMULA: Natural logarithm of numbers less than 100, multiplied by 1 billion years = the actual ages of events on Earth.
It seems that because 1 billion is the first 10 digit number, or 10⁹, it thus correlates roughly to inverse quare law drop off point.
In this kind of holographic topology, every particle, mass, star, planet, moon asteroid, individual or population can be thought of as a single whole unit, and in turn can also be thought of as ~1 or 100%. When 1 bifurcates, it gives birth to a smaller derivative which is self similar and has all it needs to grow up, much like a child born from a parent, and hence what was once one mass becomes 2 whole units.
Key Findings
The result provides us with two new numbers that we can use to analyze and refine the dates we have for catacylsmic and evolutionary events of the distant past. First, we have a new way to view the accepted date for the (as a natural log number).
Secondly, we can deduce a refined, or potentially more refinable date for the actual event using harmonic patterns that emerge.
Both these numbers and dates appear at resonance points of PHI, e, and other harmonics. Thus, each type of haromic number is also a potential new source of information regarding the nature of the event.
For example, there are different types of events that occur at e harmonics than at PHI harmonics. Even though they are sequentially close to each other at 618 and 718, and key events happen at both, more good occurs at PHI harmonics and catastrophes occur at e harmonics. This is because e represents a kind of a limit while PHI represents proportionality and the golden ratio of healthy steady growth.
Key examples:
After the solar system had formed, the Sun formed 4.603 billion years ago. The Sun contains 99.8% of the mass of the solar system.
- The natural log of 99.8 is 4.603.
While the planets only contain 0.2% of the mass of the solar system, the total angular momentum of the planets vs the Sun is variously estimated to be between 99–97%. This is known as the Angular Momentum Paradox, and it has stumped astrophysicists to their core for decades.
The rest of the planets in the solar system are believed to have formed around 4.571 billion years ago.
- The natural log of 97 is 4.575.
The planets that we can accurate date most precisely are the Earth and Moon.
According to the Giant Impact Hypothesis, the Earth formed 4.543 billion years ago.
- The natural log of 94 is 4.543.
The oldest estimated age of the Moon is 4.53 billion years old.
- The natural log of 93 is 4.53.
This seeming coincidence of the harnomics of the number e can also be applied to the distribution of mass in the Universe, as well as diameter ratios. This has been demonstrated by Harmurt Meuller, Dan Winter, and several more mainstream scientists who have begun noticing the Universal evolution patterns of galaxies.
The number e is used in function of change and derivatives.
Both the number e and the natural logarithm can defined in several ways. In purely numerical terms, e ~ 2.71828 and the natural logarithm ~ 0.69314.
The natural log can also be defined as “e to the what number equals 2”.
It is also the natural rate of decay.
The number e is the special number in which the function is proportional to its own derivative. Not exactly the same, but proportional, aka self similar, which is the most basic definition of a fractal.
According to this new fractal bifurcation theory, this growth function is what creates self similarity of diameters and masses in the universe because everything follows the natural logarithmic rate of decay.
In other words, the theory of accretion is just magical thinking akin to God making Adam from a lump of dirt.
In the simplest terms, this paradigm makes sense because smaller bodies are derivatives of larger bodies, and only the expulsion of enough material to make a new whole is even possible. Anything else would result in still births or miscarriages.
In this frame of reference, each individual body, mass, etc, can be thought of as (an infinite) set derivative of a larger whole. For example, humans are a derivative of Earth, as is how we perceive mass, forces, time and where we derive our proportional physical dimensions.
I will skip detailing the different types of infinities here except to say that a infinte set can be infinite (divergent) in some ways and finite in others (convergent), and that all phenomena have an aspect of both qualities.
In other words, every person has an infinite aspect, despite being mortal in this paradigm. One might point to imagination or consciousness or the soul for such an aspects.
The self similarity found at various scales can be thought of as whole units in which 1 is equivalent to 100%, and the bifurcations that create stars, planets and moons is thus proportional to each other, and a birth process.
One large mother give birth to a smaller version of herself, bifurcating some mass away from her body to create an entire new individual, and 1 becomes 2, and the derivative is proportional to function.
And this is why population growth can also be modeled using the natural logarithm. Everything is a function of cycles and thermodynamics.
In this frame of reference, I have proposed that the Hubble Constant will likely eventually settle on the natural log harmonic of 69.314.
The natural rate of decay:
e^(0.69314) = 2
Of course, it doesn’t surprise me that most current scientific observation places it a bit higher than 70, nor would I be shocked if it remained above the natural rate of decay since that would create an ever so slightly divergently expanding universe.
Another way to write this equation is:
where c is some constant and t is the time period.
For more on this subject, I recommend 3Blue1Brown Youtube video, “What’s So Special About the Number e?” Grant Sanderson a great teacher with good visuals for a beginner. Here are a few quotes from the video I found useful:
“All sorts of natural phenomena show some rate of change that is proportional to the thing that’s changing.”
“The rate that a cup of hot water put into a cool room changes, is proportional to the difference in temperature between the room and the water. Or the rate at which the difference changes is proportional to itself.”
In my work on the fractal planetary birth bifurcation process, I propose that this phenomena exists because of a pattern of cyclically driven bifurcations created stars, planets and other bodies in the Universe, not the Big Bang.
Rather that an early universe defined by a Big Bang that defines that laws of physics as we know them, there was instead a never ending series of Bangs which continuously births new system and celestial bodies, and follows simple patterns of thermodynamics.
The natural logarithmic timeline of the Early Solar System was primarily reconstructed from the accepted dates for prehistoric events. While many will take issue with many of those dates, and there is alwyas room to update this timeline with new information, the general outline shows that early Earth and solar system dating sciences are mostly sound.
We can conclude this because a majority of the dates presented by the mainstream sciences naturally correlated to natural logs with harmonics that end in Phi, e, Pi, triple repeats of numbers, and at other repeating patterns of decimals.
Thus, the timeline of Earth is either the greatest conspiracy in history, spread by dozens of scientific fields that aggregated these dates over decades of research, or they are correct, and so is this paradigm of cyclical expansive growth, bifurcations and a fractal cosmology.
There is a partial exception to this reconstruction process. Because the early solar system timeline formation for planets is still a hotly debated and relies on much guesswork, I have taken the same liberty to apply this new paradigm in my attempt to make sense of solar system evolution as a function of mass, time and cyclical expansion rather than accretion.
While the mainstream postulates that there were possibly hundreds of small planetoids in the early solar system constantly crashing into each other, this model does away with all of those. Instead, this new fractal model infers that:
- planets are born through an orderly fractalization process due to bifurcations of mass in which every celestial object moves away from their parent object over time
- therefore, planets are highly unlikely to directly collide, if ever
- smaller bodies almost always return recursively to their source when fractalized into smaller parts because they are too small to escape
- every body and system is generally expanding in a slow orderly process that precludes random intersectional orbits
- where we do see intersectional orbits, this actually implies a prior bifurcation occured of the smaller object from the larger one
Therefore, my inferred manifestation dates for the rest of the major planetoids in the solar system is based on mass, from heaviest to lightest, assigning each one a whole number.
The dating of events on Earth comes into focus around 2–3 billion years ago, and so the early days of Earth are only as accurate as the mainstream science can date them. However, this method may help to refine those dates further.
It is only within the last 2–3 billion years that the natural logarthmic timeline truly comes accurately into focus with specific dates tied to harmonic natural logs. However, the strong pattern that emerges helps to illuminate the early dates.
In terms of the whole system, or set of 100 from which all else is derived. the events of Earth for which we have good dates begins under the natural log of 40. This fact, and the placement of the Earth and Moon at exactly the natural log of 93 and 94 is why I felt that assigning a whole number to the other large bodies in the solar system felt natural. As you’ll see they still mostly all fall within the accepted timeframe of modern science.
Reverse calculating the natural logarithm number down to many decimals for each event was difficult but rewarding.
There has been no attempt to alter the experts’ findings, nor to change the accepted timeline of Earth. This is simply a way to reframe how time has passed as a result of the fractal nature of time-space-mass expansion. The reframing simply elucidates a pattern that was hitherto hidden, but provokes many questions and interesting conclusions regarding the natural of system growth in the Universe. The primary impetus for this work was elucidating the causes and timeing of Earth catastrophe cycle, and it has been a success.
The Timeline Outline
Upon further investigation, most of Earth’s Eons, Eras, and Period boundaries, as well as the demarcating extinction events of Earth’s cataclysmic cycles, appear to align to very specific resonances related to the numbers (e) 618, 718, 314, 666, and 187, among a few others.
Earth’s calm periods of expansion almost exclusively align to numbers with PHI resonances ending in 618, but so do many asteroid impacts. This is likely because expansive periods of parent bodies leads to smaller children to be drawn back in, much like winning the lottery would bring back all your estranged relatives.
I have proposed a whole feedback mechanism for this process based on the Lorenz Equations. You can view a short explanation here or an extended description of the physics behind this thesis here.
Because the numbers of the Natural Logarithmic Timeline are a function of “years ago”, they descend to smaller bits and decimal places as one approaches the present day.
This means that every 666–618 period of calm follows quickly after a 718 period of chaos. This is why we could say that 718 harmonics of (e) represents some kind of system limit, while 618 harmonics of PHI represents a balanced system, tho it may also be the reverse.
Of course, if one graps that this paradigm is a reflection of exponential growth and Chaos Theory, one would quickly realize that when a system reaches peak stability, there is no where else to go but towards chaos.
The major exception appears where the 618 pattern strikes the PHI cubed harmonic (2.618). In the following time period, which continued to feel those immensely negative effects.
Below are some important examples in the development of life on Earth. Admittedly, these dates are a bit less precise than the dates correlating asteroids and extinction events. Unlike asteroid impacts, life evolution events do not occurs in a singular moment, but rather under a stable conditions that exist for an extended period.
These PHI harmonics can mostly be discerned in the natural log numbers, but occasionaly show up in the actual “years ago”. For example, 1.618 billion years ago appears to be the peak of the Boring Billion years.
Each natural log number was reverse calculated using the currently accepted dates for these events. The result of each natural log number is a function of “billion years ago”. Thus, the natural log result can simply be multiplied by 1 billion (1⁰¹⁰), to get the currently accept date. I have rounded and simplified my extended notation style for the sake of simplicity in this list of life on earth firsts and highlights:
The natural log of 61.8 ~ 4.1 bya = 1st Micro-organisms
The natural log of 56.18 ~ 4 bya = 1st Atmosphere H2o
The natural log of 48.618 ~ 3.9 bya = 1st Oceans
The natural log of 46.18 ~ 3.8 bya = 1st Biogenic Carbon
The natural log of 36.18 ~ 3.6 bya = 1st Cyanobacteria
The natural log of 26.18 ~ 3.26 bya = Moon-fall
The natural log of 24.618 ~ 3.2 bya = LHB
The natural log of 16.18 ~ 2.8 bya = 1st Photosynthesis
The natural log of 13.618 ~ 2.61 bya = Iron Band Formation
The natural log of 12.618 ~ 2.5 bya = Great Oxidation
The natural log of 11.618 ~ 2.4 bya = 1st Fungi
The natural log of 8.618 ~ 2.15 bya = 1st Eukaryotes
The natural log of 6.18 ~ 1.8 bya = 1st Eukaryotes
The natural log of 2.8618 ~ 1.05 bya = Sexual Reproduction
The natural log of 2.618 ~ 962 mya = Algae colonize land
The natural log of 2.1618 ~ 771 mya = Snowball Earth
The natural log of 1.8618 ~ 621 mya = Multi-celled Animals
The natural log of 1.71618 ~ 540 mya = Cambrian Explosion
The natural log of 1.696618 ~ 529 mya = First Vertebrates
The natural log of 1.62618 ~ 487 mya = Great Ordovician
The natural log of 1.618 ~ 481 mya = Biodiversification
The natural log of 1.60618 ~ 473 mya = First Land Plants
The natural log of 1.2618 ~ 232.5 mya = First Dinosaurs
The natural log of 1.1618 ~ 149.97 mya = Calmness ?
The natural log of 1.0618 ~ 59.96 mya = Land Mammals
The natural log of 1.00618 ~ 6.16 mya = Humans/Apes split
The natural log of 1.000618 ~ 618 kya = Neanderthals split
The natural log of 1.0000618 ~ 61.8 = Human Ancestors
The natural log of 1.00000618 ~ 6,180 ya = History begins
The natural log of 1.000000618 ~ 61.8 ya = Humans Flourish
The natural log of 1.0000000618 ~ 6.2 ya = Pop Growth <1%
The natural log of 1 is 0 = Present moment
if the solar system formed at 4.605 billion years ago, then I propose that the solar system’s bifurcation timestamp is 4.6689 or 4.6692 billion years ago.
The number 4.6689 is Feigenbaum’s Constant for fractal bifurcations in an Infinite fractal field, and 4.6692 is limiting ratio of each bifurcation between every period doubling, of a one parameter map.
- The difference between 4.6689 and 4.605 is 0.639.
- The natural log of 106.618 is 4.6692.
- The natural log of 100 is 4.605.
- This is estimated age of the Solar System is 4.605, as a whole (multiplied by 1 billion).
- Again, 1 billion is the first 10 digit natural number.
- 4.603 billion years ago, the Sun formed.
- The Sun contains 99.8% of the mass of the solar system.
- The natural log of 99.8 is 4.603.
The planets only contain 0.2% of the mass of the solar system.
The planets account for ~ 97- 99.8 of the solar systems angular momentum.
Scientist cannot explain this and call it the Angular Momentum Paradox.
In the natural logarithmic scale, if we assign a whole number to the creation time of every moon and major planetoid in our system, we will account for most of the total mass by the natural log of 50. Among the objects that correlate to the 40s, many are oblate spheroids still hypothtically capable of bifurcation such as Pluto’s moons.
The EARTH and MOON’S FORMATION — Extended harmonic details
- According to accepted science ~ 4.543 billion years ago, the Earth formed.
- The natural log of 94 is 4.54329478227
- Updated Earth Age 4,543,294,782 BC
- According to accepted science ~ 4.530 billion years old, the Moon formed.
- The natural log of 93 is 4.53259949315
- 4.531 is PHI 1.618^3.14 = (4.53098416343)
- 4.531 is 12 million years after 4.543(Probably 12 harmonic)
- Exact: 4.54329478227– 4.53259949315 = 0.01069528912
- That would be 10.695 million years after Earth formed.
- (Possible 106.618 Feigenbaum constant harmonic?)
According to accepted science, the Earth and Moon both had magma oceans for 200–300 million years.
- 4.33 bya is ~ 200 million years after 4.533 bya
- The natural log of 76 is 4.3307333
- 4.23 bya is 370 million years after 4.6 bya. (Probably 360 harmonic)
- 4.23 (bya) ~PHI 1.618 ^3 = (4.235801032)
- 4.235 is 365 million years after 4.6 bya.
- 4.229 bya is 314 million years after the 4.543 bya Earth formation.
- (Probably 314 harmonic)
- The natural log of 69 is 4.234, and of 69.3 is 4.238 (bya)
- 69.3 is the harmonic of the natural logarithm and rate of decay.
- The natural log of 4.222 thru 4.235 is ~1.44 = 144%
Few events are definitely datable in the HADEON & ARCHEAN EONS. However, the fractal model allows us to infer some new info.
Definitive correlations of recursive asteroid impacts and catastrophes are not really available until the beginning of the PROTEROZOIC EON ~ 2.5 billion years ago. This date correlates to the natural log of 12.618, and Feigenbaum’s Alpha Constant of 2.5.
HADEAN Eon begins ~ PHI ^3.14 = 4.53 (billion years ago)
- From 4.543–4.229 bya, for 314 million years the Moon and Earth had magma oceans and massive magma waves.
- The Moon supposedly formed at Earth’s Roche limit, @ 18,470 km.
- At that time, (in its current size) the Moon would have appears 20x larger in the sky than today.
- At that time, Earth’s day was less than 6 hours long.
- Interestingly, around 4.2 billion years ago, Earth’s most ancient crystals from the Jack Hills range in Australia suggest the planet was actually fairly pleasant, with low temperatures and ample water. This suggests a stable system capable of retaining water.
- This is not feasible with a quickly rotating Earth and rapidly revolving Moon.
- Now, if we examine the Pluto Charon system, we find that they maintain a 2–1 planet-to-moon diameter ratio and mutual tidal locking at a distance of 19,640 km, with a spin rotation period of 6.4 days.
- Neal Adams has done wonderful animations illustrating that not only do African and South America come back together, but so does the land around the pacific ocean. When all the landmasses are reconnected the Earth’s diameter is approximately half of what it is today.
- This leads me to conclude that the Earth fission thesis occured in a way to create similar sized Earth and Moon, and the realtionship of the Earth and Moon has caused the Earth to expand since that time.
- In my Youtube videos, I have shown how the rotational and orbital periods of planets and moons can be understood as Rayleigh numbers. In my paradigm, the Rayleigh numbers can be plugged into the differential equations that predict feedback loops of axial stability, and linked Precession to the Moon’s distance as a feedback loop.
ARCHEAN Eon begins ~ PHI³ = 4.236 (billion years ago)
- The natural log of 69 is 4.234106
- The natural log of 4.236 is 1.44
- 1/144 = ((-1/12)²))
- 4.1729 billion years ago ~ Hardy Ramanujan number
- The HR# represents the smallest number of the sum of 2 cubes, 9 cubed and 10 cubed.
- We might speculate that this is the date that “planets 9 and 10” got rejected from the solar system, leading to what Veilokovsky and the Nice Model predict as reorganization of the planets.
- This are hypothesized to be the missing gas giant planet and its moon, aka Planet X.
PROTEROZOIC Eon begins ~ PHI² = 2.618 billion years ago.
- Or at Fiegnebaum’s Alpha Constant for trines occurs at 2.5 (bya), according to more conventional dating methods.
The BORING BILLION lasts from 1.8 bya to ~800 mya and it peaks at ~ PHI = 1.618 billion years ago.
PHANEROZOIC Eon begins at ~ PHI = 0.618 billion years ago.
The evidence presented in my book will show that a mutual tidal locking like the Pluto Charon configuration likely existed between the Earth and Moon around 4.3–4.2 billion years ago, and that led to the formation of the fault systems of both the Earth and Moon (now defunct), as well as shared magnetic field.
My evidence will show this mutual tidal lock occured directly over the Pacific Ocean between the lunar crater Copernicus and the islands of Fiji/Samoa, with Fiji acting as a cathode and Copernicus as an anode. See my videos on the the anode cathode of Fiji and Copernicus here, an extended video on the Pacific Plate to whole Moon symetry here, or a quick sneak peak here.
The amazing symmetry between the shape of the two fault systems, as well as a direct correlation between Pacific islands and lunar “craters” positions is furthermore echoed by the distribution of stars in a spiral galaxies. All these pattern match because they are all the result of the same thermodynamic fractalization process and governed by the laws of expansion and inverse square law.
Around 4 billion years ago, it’s estimated that the Moon’s distance would have been 90,000 km on average. The Moon was at 30% of its current distance by then and by then would have only looked 3.5x bigger in the sky. Earth’s day length was 7 hours.
This indicates that after the 4.1729 billion years ago date of planetary recording, the Earth broke from from the mutual tidal locking with the Moon, and this sent the Moon sailing away to find a new harmoniclly conducive distance.
According to the accepted science, after 4 billion years ago, the Moon retreated from Earth at 20.8 cm per year, its quickest pace, for the next 800 million years, until approximately 3.2 billion years ago.
During this time, the length of Earth’s day expanded very quickly as the Moon retreated. For those unaware, Earth’s length of day (LOD) is determined by 9 factors, 5 of which relate to the Moon.
The Moon’s magnetic field strength weakened to 20 microteslas by 3.6–3.1 million years ago. Scientists have found one signature as weak as 4 microteslas dating to 3.19 billion years ago. Initially some estimates say it had been twice as strong as Earth’s while it was still in close orbit to Earth.
The Moon lost its hydrostatic equilibrium at this time. “It has long been known from the study of Cassini’s laws and its librations that the Moon substantially departs from hydrostatic equilibrium.” Runcorn, S. K. 1977
The dark spots on the Moon, or lunar mares, are thought to have been caused by giant asteroid impacts around 3.3–3.2 billion years ago. The lunar mares are mostly on the near side of the Moon, with a few small mares on the far side.
However, after this time of impacts to the near side of Earth, the Moon’s retreat from Earth slowed to 6.93 cm per year for the next 800 million years.
This presents an intriguing scenario few have deeply considered.
The asteroids that supposedly hit the Moon approached it from the general direction of Earth, and yet, the Moon’s retreat from Earth slowed down from 20 to 7 cm/yr after this time.
Additionally, these asteroids supposedly hit dead center of where the Moon’s ancient magma ocean had been. But the magma ocean came before the Late Heavy bombardment…
This paradox has had lunar scientists scratching their heads a regarding the order of impacts and magma oceans since the 1970.
Which came first, the magma or the asteroids? The story goes back and forth dependingon which camp you talk to with no logical resolution.
The answer to this problem and many others is likely a series of close Moon to Earth approaches as the Moon attempted to escape low orbit and mutual tidal locking, and lunar surface ejections of mass from the mare basins. Then, the return of some of this debris back to the Moon (and Earth) as fractal recursions.
By the end of this exchange the Earth’s day is 18 hours long, and a new harmonic relationship between Earth’s size and the Moon distance settles into a long term stabile oscillation.
2.7–2.5 billion years ago.
The natural log of 13.618 is 2.612 ~ 2.61 billion years ago.
PHI² is 2.618.
- The natural log of 13.14 is 2.576 ~ 2.57 billion years ago.
- The natural log of 12.718 is 2.543 billion years ago.
The first signs of ocean tides appear on Earth.
Lunar samples show that by 2.5 billion years ago, the Moon’s magnetic field strength had decreased to 10 microteslas.
According to some scientists’ theories, rather than forming in magma oceans, these weakly magnetic rocks were formed and ejected into space during the intense heat of later cosmic impacts somewhere between 2.5–1 billion years ago, and then returned to land on the mares as dust.
(In other words, the mainstream science of lunar formation is inching closer to my paradigm of recursionary impacts, but still reluctant to throw out too many theories at once.)
Unlike me, they have professional peers to answer to.
PROTEROZOIC EON ~ 2.5 billion years ago
- The natural log of 12.618 is 2.535 ~ 2.535 billion years ago
- The natural log of 12.314 is 2.510 ~ 2.51 billion years ago
- The natural log of 12.21 is 2.50225 ~ 2.5 bya
Feigenbaum’s Alpha Constant = 2.50290787
- The natural log of 12.217971221 is 2.5029079
- The natural log of 12.12 is 2.49 ~ 2.49 billion years ago
- The natural log of 12 is 2.48 ~ 2.48 billion years ago
- The natural log of 10 is 2.30 ~ 2.3 billion years ago
- The natural log of 9.7718 is 2.28 ~ 2.28 billion years ago
- The natural log of 9.618 is 2.2636363 ~ 2.26 bya
Around 2.5 billion years ago, banned iron formations peak. The Earth’s mantle was cooling at a rate of 6 to 11 degrees Celsius every 100 million years.
After 2.4 billion years ago, the Moon slowed to a barely noticeable .19 cm retreat per year for the next 1.5 billion years, until 900 million years ago.
By 2.4 billion years ago, the Moon was at 91% of its current distance and within the range of its current minimum distance during apogee.
Earth’s day was still 18 hours long.
RHYCIAN PERIOD ~ 2.3 billion years ago
Yarrabubba Asteroid impact (30km, W Australia ~ 2.229 bya)
- The natural log of 9.314 is 2.2315 ~ 2.23 billion years ago
- The natural log of 9.299 is 2.2299 ~ 2.229 billion years ago
- The natural log of 9.0 is 2.197 ~ 2.2 billion years ago
- The natural log of 8.888 is 2.185 ~ 2.185 billion years ago
- The natural log of 8.0 is 2.07 ~ 2.07 billion years ago
- The natural log of 7.7718 os 2.05 ~ 2.05 million years ago
OROSIRIAN PERIOD ~ 2.05 billion years ago
Vredefort Asteroid impact (1st largest, 160km — S Africa, 2.023 bya)
- The natural log of 7.666 is 2.036 ~ 2.04 million years ago
- The natural log of 7.618 is 2.03 ~ 2 billion years ago
- The natural log of 7.18 is 1.97 ~ 2 billion years ago
- The natural log of 7.0 is 1.94 ~ 1.9 billion years ago
- The natural log of 6.66 is 1.87 ~ 1.87 billion years ago
EUKARYOTES Emerge ~ 1.85 billion years ago
- The natural log of 6.3456789 is 1.84777 ~ 1.85 bya
- The natural log of 6.333 is 1.84577 ~ 1.846 bya
Sudbury Asteroid impact (3rd largest, 130km — Ontario 1.849 bya)
- The natural log of 6.314 is 1.842769 ~1.843 billion years ago
- The natural log 6.18 is 1.82131 ~ 1.82 billion years ago
STATHERIAN “The Stable” PERIOD ~ 1.8 billion ya
- The natural log of 6.0 is 1.79 ~ 1.8 billion years ago
- The natural log of 5.718 is 1.74 ~ 1.74 billion years ago
- The natural log of 5.618 is 1.73 ~ 1.73 billion years ago
- The natural log of 5.5718 is 1.7177 ~ 1.718 billion ya
- The natural log of 5.5555 is 1.7147 ~ 1.715 billion ya
- The natural log of 5.314 is 1.670 ~ 1.67 billion years ago
- The natural log of 5.0718 is 1.62 ~ 1.62 billion years ago
MESO-PROTEROZOIC ERA ~ 1.6 billion ya
Shoemaker Asteroid impact (30 km, W Australia, 1.63 bya)
- The natural log of 5.044 is 1.618 ~ 1.618 billion years ago
- The natural log of 5 is 1.609 ~ 1.6 billion years ago
Keurusselkä Asteroid impact (30 km, Finland, 1.4–1.5 bya)
- The natural log of 4.6692 is 1.54098 ~ 1.541 billion years ago
- The natural log of 4.314 is 1.4618 ~ 1.46 billion years ago
- The natural log of 4.07718 is 1.41 ~ 1.41 billion years ago
ECTASIAN PERIOD ~ 1.4 billion years ago
- The natural log of 4.088 is 1.408 ~ 1.4 billion years ago
- The natural log of 4 is 1.38 ~ 1.38 billion years
STENIAN PERIOD ~ 1.2 billion years ago
- The natural log of 3.33 is 1.20 ~ 1.2 billion years ago
- The natural log of 3 is 1.0986 ~ 1.1 billion years ago
- The natural log of 2.8618 is 1.051 ~ 1.05 billion ya
- The natural log of 2.7618 is 1.015 ~ 1.02 billion ya
~ 1 billion years ago
- The natural log of 2.718 is 1 ~ 1 billion years ago
2.718 is the number (e)
NEO-PROTEROZOIC ERA ~ 1 billion years ago
- Includes the natural log of 2.70, 2.69, 2.68, 2.67, 2.68, 2.67 peacefully
- The natural log of 2.6618 is 0.979 ~ 979 million years ago
2.618 is PHI³
ALGAE Colonize Land
- The natural log of 2.618 is 0.962 ~ 962 million years ago
- The natural log of 2.314 is 0.838 ~ 838 million years ago
The “BORING BILLION YEARS” Ends ~ 800 mya
- The natural log of 2.2222 is 0.7985 ~ 799 million years ago
- The natural log of 2.1718 is 0.776 ~ 776 million years ago
- The natural log of 2.1618 is .771 ~ 771 million years ago
SNOWBALL EARTH occurs ~ 770 million years ago
- The natural log of 2.131212 is 0.756690 ~ 757 million years ago
- The natural log of 2.0718 is 0.7284 ~ 728 million years ago
CRYOGENIAN PERIOD ~ 720 million ya
- The natural log of 2.066 is 0.7256 ~ 725.6 mya
- The natural log of 2.0618 is 0.7235 ~ 723.5 mya
- The natural log of 2.050 is 0.7178 ~ 717.8 mya
Sturtian glaciation ~ (717–643 mya)
- The natural log of 2.048718 is 0.71721 ~ 717.21 mya
- The natural log of 2.048618 is 0.71716 ~ 717.16 mya
- The natural log of 2.024 is 0.70507575 ~ 705 mya
- The natural log of 2.012 is 0.699129 ~ 699 mya
- The natural log of 2.00 is 0.693 ~ 693 mya
The number 0.693 is the natural rate of decay.
- This is also the rate used to calculate continuous growth.
Marinoan glaciation begins (650 to 632.3 mya ± 5.9)
- The natural log of 1.91618 = 0.650333 ~ 650 mya
Strangways Asteroid — (25 km, Australia, 646 mya)
- The natural log is 1.907718 is 0.64590 ~ 645.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.900 is 0.642 ~ 642 mya
- The natural log of 1.890 is 0.63657 ~636.6 mya
EDIACARAN PERIOD ~ 635 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.888 ~ 635 mya
- The natural log of 1.88618 is 0.6346 ~ 635 mya
Marinoan glaciation ends ~ 632.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.870 is 0.6259 ~ 632 mya
- The natural log of 1.87781 is 0.6301 ~ 630 mya
- The natural log of 1.8314 is 0.605080 ~ 605 mya
Beaverhead Asteroid impact (#9, 60 km, Montana, 600 mya)
- The natural log of 1.8222 is 0.6000 ~ 600 mya
- The natural log of 1.777 is 0.5749 ~ 575 mya
- The natural log of 1.7718 is 0.572 ~ 572 mya
- The natural log of 1.7618 is 0.56633 ~ 566 mya
- The natural log of 1.750 is 0.5596 ~ 560 mya
- The natural log of 1.720 is 0.5423 ~ 542.3 mya
End EDIACARAN extinction ~ 542 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.718 is 0.5412 ~ 541 mya
PHANEROZOIC EON ~ 541 million years ago
The following 3 dates probably lead to the observed overlap of Eon start and end dates during this period:
- The natural log of 1.717718 is 0.5409 ~ 541 million ya
- The natural log of 1.71618 is 0.5401 ~ 540.1 million ya
- The natural log of 1.707718 is 0.53515 ~ 535 million ya
Terreneuvian Series begins, Fortunian Age ~ 535 million ya
- The natural log of 1.7070 is 0.5347374 ~ 535 mya
- The natural log of 1.7070, 1.7069, 1.7068, 1.7067 are peaceful here
- The natural log of 1.706618 is 0.5345 ~ 535 mya
- The natural log of 1.700 ~ 0.5306 ~ 530.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.6999–1.6967 are here
- The natural log of 1.696618 is 0.5286 ~ 529 mya
Terreneuvian Series, Stage 2 ~ 529 million years ago
- 1.69314 represents the greatest time of life expansion
- The natural log of 1.693 is 0.5265 ~ 526.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.68618 is 0.5225 ~ 522.5 mya
- The natural logs of 1.6861–1.6834
Series 2 begins, Stage 3 ~ 521 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.68333 is 0.5208 ~ 521 mya
- The natural log of 1.680 is 0.5179 ~ 517.9 mya
The 50 million years after the 1.693 period of flourishing represents the longest string of mass extinction events, including Earth’s 2nd and 3rd largest individual extinction events.
- The natural log of 1.67718 is 0.517 ~ 517 mya
Series 2, Stage 4 ~ 514 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.67187 is 0.5139 ~ 513.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.670314 is 0.5130 ~ 513 mya
End-Botomian mass extinction = 513 to 509 million ya
- The natural log of 1.667718 is 0.5114 ~ 511.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.66718 is 0.5111 ~ 511.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.666 is 0.510.4 ~ 510.4 million ya
Series 3, Stage 5 ~ 509 million years ago
Miaolingian Series, Wuliuan Stage
A reprieve begins here between the two major extinctions:
- The natural log of 1.6633 is 0.5088 ~ 509 mya
- The natural log of 1.6618 is 0.5079 ~ 507.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.660 is 0.05068 ~ 507 mya
- The reprieve begins to wane:
- The natural log of 1.657718 is 0.5054 ~ 505.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.65718 is 0.505.1 ~ 505.1 mya
Series 3, Drumian Stage ~ 504.5 million ya
- The natural log of 1.656618 is 0.5048 ~ 504.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.65314 is 0.5027 ~ 502.7 mya
Dresbachian extinction event = 502 million ya
- The natural log of 1.65187 is 0.5019 ~ 501.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.650 is 0.5008 ~ 500.8 mya
Stage 3, Guzhangian Stage ~ 500.5 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.649618 is 0.5005 ~ 500.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.647718 is 0.4993 ~ 499.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.644000 is 0.4971 ~ 497.1 mya
Furongian Series, Pabian Stage ~ 497 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.64314 is 0.49660 ~ 496.60 mya
- The natural log of 1.640 is 0.494696 ~ 494.696 mya
Furongian Series, Jiangshanian Stage ~ 494 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.63888 is 0.49401 ~ 494.01 mya
- The natural log of 1.63330 is 0.49060 ~ 490.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.63200 is 0.48980 ~ 489.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.63187 is 0.48973 ~ 489.7 mya
Furongian Series, Stage 10 ~ 489.5 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.631400 is 0.48943 ~ 489.43 mya
- The natural log of 1.630000 is 0.4885800 ~ 488.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.629314 is 0.4882 ~ 488.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.629187 is 0.48808 ~ 488 mya
CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN extinction event = 488 mya
- The natural log of 1.629 is 0.487966 ~ 488 mya
- The natural log of 1.6287718 is 0.4878 ~ 487.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.6277180 is 0.4872 ~ 487.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.6271800 is 0.4868 ~ 486.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.6261800 is 0.4862 ~ 486.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.625 is 0.48550781 ~ 485.5 mya
ORDCOCIAN PERIOD ~ 485.4 million ya
Lower, Tremadocian Stage
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) begins
- The natural log of 1.624777 is 0.4853705755 ~ 485.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.62466618 is 0.48530 ~ 485.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.62400 is 0.48489 ~ 484.89 mya
- The natural log of 1.62314 is 0.48436 ~ 484.36
- The natural log of 1.6200 is 0.4824261 ~ 482.43 mya
- The natural log of 1.618 is 0.481 ~ 481 mya
Acraman Asteroid impact (#6, 90km, S Australia, 480 mya)
- The natural log of 1.61618 is 0.4800 ~ 480 mya
- The natural log of 1.61314 is 0.4781 ~ 478.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.61200 is 0.477475 ~ 477.48
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) ends
- The natural log of 1.61187 is 0.47739499 ~477.4 mya
Lower, Floain Stage ~ 477.7 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.610 is 0.476.2 ~ 476.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.607718 is 0.4748 ~ 474.8 mya
Middle, Dapingian Stage ~ 470 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.600 is 0.47000 ~ 470 mya
- The natural log of 1.597718 is 0.468576 ~ 469 mya
- The natural log of 1.596618 is 0.467887 ~ 467.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.595900 is 0.467437 ~ 467.4 mya
Middle Darriwillian Stage ~ 467.3 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.595686 is 0.467303737 ~ 467.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.595666 is 0.467291 ~ 467.29 mya
Harmonic of the Feigenbaum Constant
- The natural log of 1.59510 is 0.4669364 ~ 467 mya
- The natural log of 1.59314 is 0.4657069 ~ 465.7
PLANTS COLONIZE LAND ~ 465 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.59200 is 0.46499 ~ 465 mya
- The natural log of 1.59187 is 0.4649094 ~ 464.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.587718 is 0.462299 ~ 462 mya
- The natural log of 1.587 is 0.46184544154 ~ 461.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.58666 is 0.46163117788 ~ 461.6 mya
Extinction events begin
Late ORDOVICIAN Glaciation 460–440 mya
Centered on Sahara. Major mass extinction: 49–60% of marine genera and nearly 85% of marine species
- The natural log of 1.58400 is 0.45995329339 ~ 459.95 mya
- The natural log of 1.58314 is 0.459410 ~ 459.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.58200 is 0.458689869 ~ 458.69 mya
- The natural log of 1.58187 is 0.458607 ~ 458.6 mya
Upper, Sandbian Stage ~ 458.4 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.5815 is 0.45837 ~ 458.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.57718 is 0.4556 ~ 455.6 mya
Upper, Katian Stage ~ 453 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.57314 is 0.45307 ~ 453 mya
- The natural log of 1.5718 is 0.452 ~ 452 mya
- Marked by gradual cooling, glaciation & sea level drops
Slate Islands Asteroid impact (30 km, Ontario, 450 mya)
ORDOVICIAN-SILURIAN Boundary extinctions
- The natural log of 1.56789 is 0.44973 ~ 450 mya
- The natural log of 1.56787651 is 0.44972216 ~ 449.72 mya
Collectively 2nd largest extinction
- The natural log of 1.5618 is 0.4458390022 ~ 445.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.561 is 0.4453 ~ 445.3 mya
Upper, Hirnantian Stage first part ~ 445.2 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.560651 is 0.4451030 ~ 445.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.560500 is 0.44500628272 ~ 445 mya
- The natural log of 1.5587718 is 0.4439 ~ 443.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.558551 is 0.44375654346 = 443.8
Llandovery Epoch, Rhuddanian Stage
- The natural log of 1.55666 is 0.4425425 ~ 442.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.55555 is 0.4418 ~ 441.8 mya
- Life flourishes briefly, ocean levels return to normal
Llandovery Epoch, Aeronian Stage ~ 440.8 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.5540 is 0.4408 ~ 440.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.55341 is 0.44045 ~ 440.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.55187 is 0.439460 ~ 439.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.551 is 0.43889988 ~ 438.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.550551 is 0.438610 ~ 438.6 mya
Llandovery Epoch, Telychian/Ontarian Stage ~ 438.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.550 is 0.4383 ~ 438.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.54314 is 0.43382 ~ 433.8 mya
Ireviken extinction event = 433.4 million years ago
- Lasted 200k years, warm pulse, anoxia, high sulfides
Wenlock Epoch, Sheinwoodian/Tonawandan Stage
- The natural log of 1.5422 is 0.43320 ~ 433.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.540 is 0.43178 ~ 431.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.538351 is 0.4307 ~ 430.7 mya
Wenlock Epoch, Homerian/Lockportian Stage 430.5 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.538 is 0.43048287108 ~ 430.48 mya
MULDE extinction event — sea level drop
- The natural log of 1.53777 is 0.43033 ~ 430.3 mya
Evidence of a gamma ray burst striking Earth
Earth receives “100x as many meteorites as today”
Ludlow/Cayugan Epoch, Gorstian Stage 427.4 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.5333 is 0.42724 ~ 427.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.5314 ~ 0.4262 ~ 426.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.5300 is 0.42527 ~ 425.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.529251 is 0.4247780 ~ 424.7 mya
Ludlow/Cayugan Epoch, Ludfordian Stage ~ 424.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.529000 is 0.424614 ~ 424.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.528251 is 0.4241 ~ 424.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.528187 is 0.42408 ~424 mya
MULDE extinction event ~ 424 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.528 is 0.42395969 ~ 424 mya
- The natural log of 1.527 is 0.4233050 ~ 423.3 mya
Pridoli Epoch, Stage 8 ~ 423 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.52660 is 0.423043040 ~ 423 mya
- The natural log of 1.52618 is 0.42276 ~ 423 mya
- The natural log of 1.52300 is 0.42068 ~ 420.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.52251 is 0.420360 ~ 420.4 mya
LAU extinction event = 420 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.522000 is 0.4200 ~ 420 mya
- The natural log of 1.521870 is 0.419939 ~ 419.9
- The natural log of 1.521251 is 0.4195330 ~ 419.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.520900 is 0.4193022 ~ 419.3 mya
DENOVIAN PERIOD ~ 419.2 million years ago
Lower, Lochkovian Stage
- The natural log of 1.520618 is 0.4191 ~ 419.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.520 is 0.4187 ~ 418.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.510 is 0.41210 ~ 412 mya
Lower, Pragian Stage ~ 410.8 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.508051 is 0.410818088 ~ 410.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.50618 is 0.40957 `~ 409.6 mya
Lower, Emsian Stage ~ 407.6 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.50314 is 0.40755 ~ 407.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.50000 is 0.405 ~ 405 mya
- The natural log of 1.497718 is 0.4039 ~ 404 mya
- The natural log of 1.481841 is 0.39328523366 ~ 393.29 mya
Middle, Eifelian Stage ~ 393.3 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.4810 is 0.392717 ~392.27 mya
- The natural log of 1.4800 is 0.3920 ~ 392 mya
- The natural log of 1.477718 is 0.39049 ~ 390.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.47741 is 0.39029 ~ 390.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.4770 is 0.390013003 ~ 390 mya
- The natural log of 1.4741 is 0.388047 ~ 388 mya
Middle, Givetian Stage ~ 387.7 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.4737 is 0.38777 ~ 387.77 mya
- The natural log of 1.4700 is 0.38526 ~ 385.26 mya
- The natural log of 1.4666 is 0.38294679667 ~ 382.94 mya
- The natural log of 1.46641 is 0.382817 ~ 382.8 mya
Upper, Frasnian Stage ~ 382.7 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.46618 is 0.382660 ~382.66 mya
- The natural log of 1.46180 is 0.37966855 ~ 379.66 mya
- The natural log of 1.46000 is 0.378436 ~ 378.44 mya
- The natural log of 1.45900 is 0.37775 ~ 377.75 mya
- The natural log of 1.458541 is 0.3774366 ~ 377.4 mya
Siljan Ring Asteroid impact (#12, 52 km, Sweden, 377 mya)
- The natural log of 1.45800 is 0.37706563 ~ 377 mya
- The natural log of 1.45777 is 0.37690 ~ 376.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.45541 is 0.37528764787 ~ 375.29 mya
LATE DEVONIAN EXTINCTIONS boundary ~ 375–360 mya
Upper, Famennian Stage ~ 372.2
- The natural log of 1.451 is 0.3722529739 ~ 372.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.450541 is 0.37193 ~ 371.93 mya
KELLWASSER extinction event = 372 million
- The natural log of 1.450 is 0.37156355 ~ 372 mya
Woodleigh Asteroid (#15, 40 km, W Australia, 364 mya)
- The natural log of 1.44000 is 0.364 ~ 364 mya
- The natural log of 1.4341 is 0.36053747475 ~ 360.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.43187 is 0.359898 ~ 359.89 mya
HANGENBERG extinction event = 358.9 million ya
- The natural log of 1.4318 is 0.35893239398 ~358.9 mya
Lower, Tournaisian Stage
- The natural log of 1.4314 is 0.35865298 ~ 358.65 mya
- The natural log of 1.431341 is 0.35861 ~ 358.61 mya
- The natural log of 1.43143 is 0.3587–358.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.4200 is 0.3507 ~ 350 mya
Middle, Viséan Stage ~ 346.7
- The natural log of 1.4141 is 0.34649 ~ 346.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.4100 is 0.34359 ~ 343.6 mya
Charlevoix Asteroid impact (#11, 54 km, Quebec, 342 mya)
- The natural log of 1.40777 is 0.3420 ~ 342 mya
Mississippi / Pennsylvania Boundary = 336 million ya
- The natural log of 1.4000 is 0.336 ~ 336.0 mya
- The natural log of 1.3960 is 0.3336 ~ 333.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.3922931 is 0.33095 ~ 330.95
Upper, Serpukhovian Stage ~ 330.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.39200 is 0.3307 ~ 330.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.38310 is 0.3243 ~ 324.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.3817 is 0.323314 ~ 323.3.14 mya
- The natural log of 1.38138 is 0.3230 ~ 323 mya
Lower, Bashkirian Stage
- The natural log of 1.3777 is 0.3204 ~320 mya
- The natural log of 1.3718 is 0.316123 ~ 316 mya
- The natural log of 1.371 is 0.315540400 ~ 315.5 mya
Middle, Moscovian ~ 315.2 million ya
- The natural log of 1.37055 is 0.3152121 ~ 315.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.37000 is 0.3204 ~ 0.3148 ~ 314.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.3666 is 0.3123 ~ 313.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.3618 is 0.309 ~ 309 mya
- The natural log of 1.36 is 0.3075 ~ 307.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.359531 is 0.3071397 ~ 307.13 mya
Upper, Kasimovian Stage ~ 307 million ya
- The natural log of 1.359400 is 0.30704 ~ 307 mya
- The natural log of 1.35777 is 0.305843 ~ 305.84 mya
- The natural log of 1.357531 is 0.3056676 ~ 305.66 mya
Carboniferous rainforest collapse = 305 mya
- The natural log of 1.35718 is 0.3054090 ~ 305.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.35666 is 0.305025 ~ 305 mya
- The natural log of 1.35618 is 0.3046719 ~ 304.67 mya
- The natural log of 1.35531 is 0.304030 ~ 304 mya
- The natural log of 1.35500 is 0.303801 ~ 303.8 mya
Gzhelian Stage ~ 303.7 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.35487000 is 0.30370550 ~ 303.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.35484531 is 0.303687 ~ 303.68 mya
- The natural log of 1.35477700 is 0.303636865 ~ 303.63 mya
- The natural log of 1.3531 is 0.302398 ~ 302.39 mya
- The natural log of 1.3500 is 0.300104 ~ 300 mya
PERMIAN PERIOD ~ 299 million years ago
Speed of Light Harmonic — 299 792 458 m / s
- The natural log of 1.349578685 is 0.299792458 ~ 299.792 mya
- The natural log of 1.34957862 is 0.299792410 ~ 299.792 mya
- The natural log of 1.348431 is 0.29894169432 ~ 298.94 mya
- The natural log of 1.3483 is 0.298844 ~ 298.84 mya
Cisuralian Epoch, Asselian Stage ~ 298.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.3482 is 0.298770 ~ 298.77
- The natural log of 1.3480 is 0.2986220 ~ 298.62 mya
- The natural log of 1.34777 is 0.2985 ~ 298.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.34618 is 0.2972 ~ 297.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.34431 is 0.2958 ~ 295.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.34400 is 0.2956 ~ 295.6 mya
Cisuralian Epoch, Sakmarian ~ 295.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.3438 is 0.29550 ~ 295.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.3431 is 0.294980 ~ 294.98 mya
Cisuralian Epoch, Artinskian Stage ~ 290.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.33666 is 0.2901 ~ 290.1 mya
Clearwater West Asteroid (36 km, Quebec, 290 mya)
- The natural log of 1.33650 is 0.2900 ~ 290 mya
- The natural log of 1.3231 is 0.279977 ~ 280 mya
- The natural log of 1.32231 is 0.279380 ~ 279.38 mya
Cisuralian Epoch, Kungurian Stage 279.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.3222 is 0.279297 ~ 279.3 mya
OLSEN extinction event ~ 273 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.314 is 0.273 ~ 273 mya
Guadalupian Epoch, Roadian/Ufimian ~ 272.3
- The natural log of 1.313 is 0.2723 ~ 272.3
Guadalupian Epoch, Wordian/Kazanian ~ 268.2
- The natural log of 1.3077 is 0.2682698689 ~ 268.2
Guadalupian Epoch, Capitanian Stage ~ 265.1
- The natural log of 1.30360 is 0.26512 ~ 265.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.3031 is 0.2647460 ~ 264.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.29718 is 0.2602 ~260 mya
CAPITANIAN extinction event = 260 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.29666 is 0.25979 ~ 259.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.297 is 0.2600 ~260 mya
Lopingian Epoch, Wuchiapingian Stage 259.9
- The natural log of 1.296777 is 0.25988 ~259.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.289567 is 0.25430 ~ 254.3 mya
Lopingian Epoch, Changhsingian ~ 254.2
- The natural log of 1.289500 is 0.25425454 ~ 254.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.288210 is 0.253253 ~ 253.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.287870 is 0.25298969 ~ 252.98
- The natural log of 1.287187 is 0.25245921 ~ 252.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.287000 is 0.2523 ~ 252.3 mya
PERMIAN PERIOD ends ~ 252.2 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.28686 is 0.252205 ~ 252.2
- The natural log of 1.28660 is 0.2520030 ~252 mya
Permian Triassic Extinction Event = 251.9 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.2865 is 0.2519 ~251.9 mya
- Decease in ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 13 isotopes
- Rapid increase in CO2 to 2000ppm
- Large increase in temperature of 8 degree C
- Evidence of increased Gamma radiation
- The natural log of 1.28647 is 0.2519020333 ~ 251.9 mya
Lower, Induan Stage ~ 251.9 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.28618 is 0.2517 ~ 251.7 mya
Lower, Olenekian Stage 251.2 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.28560 is 0.2512 ~ 251.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.28210 is 0.2485 ~ 248.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.28056 is 0.2473 ~ 247.3 mya
Middle, Anisian Stage ~ 247.2 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.28044 is 0.24720 ~ 247.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.28 is 0.24686 ~ 246.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.277 is 0.2445 ~ 244.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.276860 is 0.24440393909 ~ 244.4
Araguainha Asteroid impact (40 km, Brazil, 244.4 mya)
- The natural log of 1.276721 is 0.244295 ~ 244.3
- The natural log of 1.276660 is 0.241140 ~ 241.14 mya
- The natural log of 1.272700 is 0.241140 ~ 241.14 mya
Middle, Ladinian Stage ~ 242 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.273777 is 0.24198 ~ 242 mya
- The natural log of 1.2727 is 0.24114 ~ 241.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.2721 is 0.2406 ~ 240.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.26180 is 0.2325 ~ 232.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.26000 is 0.231111 ~ 231.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.25900 is 0.2303 ~ 230.3 mya
Carnian pluvial extinction event = 230 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.258521 is 0.2299 ~ 230 mya
- The natural log of 1.25718 is 0.2289 ~ 228.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.256 is 0.22793 ~ 227.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.255885521 is 0.22784091819 ~ 227.84 mya
Saint Martin Asteroid impact (40km, Manitoba, 227.8 mya)
- The natural log of 1.25588 is 0.22783 ~ 227.83 mya
- The natural log of 1.25521 is 0.22730 ~ 227.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.24421 is 0.218500 ~ 218.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.2424 is 0.2170 ~217 mya
- The natural log of 1.24 is 0.215111 ~ 215.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.2388321 is 0.214169 ~ 214.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.2388314 is 0.21416 ~ 214.16 mya
- The natural log of 1.238321 is 0.213756 is 213.75 mya
Manicouagan Asteroid Impact (100km, Quebec 214mya)
- The natural log of 1.238 is 0.213497 ~ 213.49
- The natural log of 1.23456789 is 0.2107210 ~ 210 mya
- The natural log of 1.23 is 0.2070 ~ 207 mya
- The natural log of 1.22314 is 0.2014 ~ 201.4 mya
2b. JURASSIC PERIOD ~ 201.3 million years ago
Lower, Hettangian Stage
- The natural log of 1.223 is 0.2013 ~ 201.3 mya
Lower, Sinemurian ~ 199.3 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.22055 is 0.19930 ~ 199.3 mya
Lower Pliensbachian ~ 190.8 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.21021 is 0.19079 ~ 190.8 mya
Lower, Toarcian Stage
Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event ~ 183 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.200718 is 0.1829 ~ 183 million ya
Middle, Aalenian Stage ~ 174.1 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.19019 is 0.17411 ~ 174.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.1870 is 0.1714 ~ 171.4 mya
Middle, Bajocian ~ 170.3 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.18618 is 0.17073 ~ 170.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.1840 is 0.1688985 ~ 169 mya
- The natural log of 1.1833811 is 0.16837 ~ 168.37
Middle, Bathonian ~ 168.3 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.18314 is 0.16817 ~ 168.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.1811 is 0.166446 ~ 166.44 mya
Middle, Callovian ~ 166.1 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.1807 is 0.16610 ~ 166.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.1800 is 0.16551 ~ 165.5 mya
Upper, Oxfordian ~ 163.5 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.177666 is 0.1635345 ~ 163.53 mya
- The natural log of 1.1718 is 0.15854 ~ 158.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.1711 is 0.1579434 ~ 157.94 mya
- The natural log of 1.17035 is 0.157302 ~ 157.302 mya
Upper, Kimmeridgian ~ 157.3 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.17035 is 0.157260 ~ 157.260 mya
- The natural log of 1.1700 is 0.157003 ~ 157 mya
- The natural log of 1.1690 is 0.156148 ~ 156.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.168618 is 0.15582 ~ 155.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.1680 is 0.155292 ~ 155.3 mya
- The natural log of 1.1670 is 0.15444 ~ 154.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.1660 is 0.153579 ~ 153.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.1650 is 0.15272 ~ 152.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.164611 is 0.15238 ~ 152.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.164314 is 0.152132 ~ 152.13 mya
Upper, Tithonian 152.1
- The natural log of 1.1642 is 0.15203 ~ 152 mya
- The natural log of 1.160 is 0.148420 ~ 148.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.1618 is 0.149970 ~ 150 mya
- The natural log of 1.159 is 0.14755756 ~ 147.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.158 is 0.146694 ~ 146.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.1577718 is 0.146497 ~ 146.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.15718 is 0.145986 ~ 146 mya
- The natural log of 1.157 is 0.14583 ~ 145.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.15618 is 0.1451214 ~ 145.1 mya
Morokweng Asteroid impact (#7, 70km S Africa, 145 mya)
- The natural log of 1.156 is 0.144965 ~ 144.96 mya
CRETACEOUS PERIOD ~ 145 million years ago
Lower, Berriasian Stage
- The natural log of 1.156 ~ 0.14496577 ~ 145 mya
Tookoonooka Asteroid — (#10, 55km, Australia, 112–133mya)
- The natural log of 1.1466992 is 0.136887 ~ 136.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.1314 is 0.12345 ~ 123 mya
Carswell Asteroid — (39 km, Saskatchewan, 115 mya)
- The natural log of 1.12187 is 0.1149969 ~ 115 mya
- The natural log of 1.1187 is 0.1121 ~ 112 mya
- The natural log of 1.10 is 0.0953 ~ 95.3 mya
Cenomanian-Turonian extinction event ~ 94–91.5 million ya
- The natural log of 1.09876 is 0.09418 ~ 94.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.09577 is 0.09146 ~ 91.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.09618 is 0.0918 ~ 91.8 mya
Steen River Asteroid — (25 km, Alberta, 91 mya)
- The natural log of 1.095314 is 0.0910 ~ 91 mya
- The natural log of 1.088 is 0.08434 ~ 84.34 mya
- The natural log of 1.080 is 0.0770 ~ 77 mya
Lappajärvi Asteroid — (23 km, Finland, 77.77 mya)
- The natural log of 1.0808 is 0.0777 ~ 77.7 mya
Manson Asteroid — (35 km, Iowa, 74 mya)
- The natural log of 1.077 is 0.07417 ~ 74.17 mya
Kara Asteroid — (#8, 65 km, Russia, 70.3 mya)
- The natural log of 1.07314 ~ 0.0705889 ~ 70.58 mya
- The natural log of 1.07279 is 0.0702627 ~ 70.26 mya
- The natural log of 1.07100 is 0.0685927 ~ 68.59 mya
The Beaubier Impact Number is the number e ^(-1/12)² = 1.006968616
This as is equal to 100% + 0.6968616% remainder.
The natural log of 106.618 is Feignebaums constant = 4.6692
106.618 + 0.06968616 = 106.68768616
The “remainder” of the Earth-Moon formation process returns as a recursion — an asteroid that strike the Earth at Chicxulub. It returns to exactly where it formed from debris ejected from Moon at the Sea of Tranquility, over the Gulf of Mexico, which are symmetrically identical.
- The natural log of 1.070 is 0.0676 ~ 67.6 mya
- The natural log of 1.0696861 is 0.067365 ~ 67.36 mya
- The natural log of 1.069 is 0.06672 ~ 66.72 mya
- The natural log of 1.068768616 is 0.06650715959 ~ 66.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.0666968616 is 0.0645668 ~ 64.56 mya
- The natural log of 1.066968616 is 0.06482155 ~ 64.82 mya
- The natural log of 1.0682718 is 0.0660422 ~ 66.04 mya
FEIGENBAUMS CONSTANT is the natural log of 106.618
- The natural log of 1.06618 is 0.0640821670 ~ 64.08 mya
CRETACEOUS PERIOD ends ~ 66.04 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.0661314 is 0.0640365 ~ 64 mya
- This marks the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event, aka the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T boundary).
- I have included the Beaubier Impact Number, although it appears more likely this a recursionary hotspot of Feigenbaum’s Constant since we are approaching the natural log of 1.
- In my book, I will argue that NEOs with Earth resonant orbits are actually debris ejected from the Moon. One of the lunar mares shape matches the Gulf of Mexico in size and shape, and the Chicxulub crater in directly on the edge of that formation. I had already proposed that the Chicxulub asteroid was a fragment of this mare that went into orbit, and later return recursively to impact Earth two years before finding this natural logarithmic pattern.
- The recursionary alignment of Chicxulub impact date to Feignenbaums constant makes the overall theory much more plausible.
- The natural log for 1.06601 is 0.06392 ~ 63.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.06581 is 0.06373 ~ 63.73 mya
The beginnings and ends reported for this transition overlap a great deal. Below we wind back a couple million years to align with other dates for the beginning of the next era.
CENOZOIC ERA ~ 66 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.068 is 0.0657877 ~ 65.78 mya
- The natural log of 1.067718 is 0.0655 ~ 65.5 mya
Boltysh Asteroid (24 km, Ukraine, 65.14 mya)
- The natural log of 1.067314 is 0.065145 ~ 65.145 mya
- The natural log of 1.06718 is 0.06502 ~ 65.02 mya
- The natural log of 1.06692 is 0.06478 ~ 64.78 million ya
- The natural log of 1.06689 is 0.0647478 ~ 64.748 mya
- The natural log of 1.0661314 is 0.0640
- The natural log of 1.06618 is 0.06408 ~ 64.08 mya
- The natural log of 1.0618 is 0.05997 ~ 60 mya
- The natural log of 1.0600 is 0.0583 ~ 58.3 mya
EOCENE EPOCH ~ 56 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.0577 is 0.05609 ~ 56 mya
- The natural log of 1.05718 is 0.05560 ~ 55.6 mya
Montagnais Asteroid (#14, 45 km, Nova Scotia, 50.5 mya)
- The natural log of 1.051777 is 0.05048 ~ 50.52 mya
- The natural log of 1.051501 is 0.05021867 ~ 50.21 mya
Kamensk Asteroid (25 km, Russia, 49 mya)
- The natural log of 1.050314 is 0.04908 ~ 49 mya
- The natural log of 1.046692 is 0.0456347147 ~ 45.635 mya
- The natural log of 1.04401 is 0.0430690679 ~ 43 mya
- The natural log of 1.04314 is 0.0422 ~ 42.2 mya
Logancha Asteroid (20km, Siberia, ~ 40+/-20 mya)
- The natural log of 1.04046694 is 0.0396695 ~ 39.7 mya
Haughton Asteroid impact (23 km, NWT Canada, 39 mya)
- The natural log of 1.0400 is 0.0392 ~ 39.2 mya
Mistastin Asteroid (28 km, Newfoundland, 36.4 mya)
- The natural log of 1.0371 is 0.03650 ~ 36.5 mya
Popigai Asteroid (#5, 100km, Siberia, 35.7 mya)
- The natural log of 1.03646694 is 0.03582 ~ 35.82
- The natural log of 1.036314 is 0.03567 ~ 35.7 mya
- The natural log of 1.03618 is 0.03554 ~ 35.5
EOCENE–OLIGOCENE extinction event ~ 33.9 million ya
- Implied Ocean Asteroid impact
- The natural log of 1.0346694 is 0.0340 ~ 34 mya
OLIGOCENE EPOCH ~ 33.9 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.0344301 ~ 33.85 mya
- The natural log of 1.034 is 0.0334347 ~ 33.4 mya
- The natural log of 1.03372718 is 0.033170 ~ 33.2 mya
- The natural log of 1.03314 is 0.03260 ~ 32.6
- The natural log of 1.032 is 0.031499 ~ 31.5 mya
- The natural log of 1.0314 is 0.03092 ~ 309 mya
- The natural log of 1.0300 is 0.0295 ~ 29.5 million ya
- The natural log of 1.0272718 is 0.026906 ~ 26.9 mya
- The natural log of 1.02718 is 0.02681 ~ 26.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.02717201 is 0.026809 ~ 26.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.0246694 is 0.0243700 ~ 24.37 mya
- The natural log of 1.02333 is 0.02306 ~ 23.06 mya
NEOGENE PERIOD ~ 23.03 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.0233 is 0.02303 ~ 23.03 mya
- The natural log of 1.0200 is 0.0198 ~ 19.8 mya
- The natural log of 1.015101 is 0.014888 ~ 14.8 mya
Middle Miocene extinction = 14.8 ~ 14.1 mya
Nördlinger Ries Asteroid (24 km, Germany, 14.3–14.5 mya)
- The natural log of 1.0146694 is 0.0145628 ~ 14.56 mya
- The natural log of 1.014101 is 0.01400 ~ 14.1 mya
- The natural log of 1.013 is 0.01291622 ~ 12.91 mya
- The natural log of 1.012 is 0.0119 ~ 11.9 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.01 is 0.00995 ~ 9.95 million years ago
Less than 10 million years ago, (or the natural log of 1.01) calculating the natural log becomes practically redundant without refining these number down into 8th or 9th decimal.
However, fine tuning it down to the lower digit would yield more precise dates, and I hope to see that work done in the future.
Gradual Long Term Cooling begins
LATE MIOCENE, MESSIAN Stage ~ 7.246 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.0072718 is 0.007255 ~ 7.246 mya
- The nature log of 1.00696861 is 0.00694444145 ~ 6,944,441 years ago
- The natural log of 1.006692 is 0.00666970796 ~ 6,669,707 years ago
Evidence for a small mid Atlantic asteroid impact
- Ocean transgression onto South America
- Straights of Gibraltar blocked
- Mediterranean Sea dries up
- Disruption to ocean circulation
- Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets form
The natural log of 1.00618 is 0.00616098211 ~ 6.161 mya
Gradual cooling, regionally defined
Grasslands spread, Kelp forests spread, modern animals
PLIOCENE EPOCH begins ~ 5.333 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.00533 is 0.00532 ~ 5.32 mya
- The natural log of 1.004 is 0.003992021 ~ 3.99 mya
- The natural log of 1.003 is 0.00299550 ~ 2.99 mya
MILOCENE Epoch, NEOGENE Period ends
Here is a lower harmonic of number (e)
- The natural log 1.002718 is 0.002718 ~ 2.718 mya
The rest is somewhat redundant, By 2.6 million years ago, the amount of time dilation between then and now is not great enough to demonstrate a difference without calculating this to many digits.
- The natural log of 1.001 is .0.000999500 ~ 1 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.0001 is .0.000099995 ~ 100,000 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00001 is 0.0000099995 ~ 10,000 years ago
Therefore, I will just quickly show some of the lower decimals places.
Next we find a lower harmonic of PHI³
HOMINIDS BEGIN USING TOOLS ~ 2.6 million years ago
- The nature log of 1.002618 is 0.0026146 ~ 2,614,600 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00261 is 0.00260659986 ~ 2,606,600 years ago
QUATERNARY PERIOD ~ 2.6 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.00260 is 0.0025966 ~ 2,596,600 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00259 is 0.0025866 ~ 2,587,000 years ago
PLEISTOCENE EPOCH ~ 2.588 million years ago
Gelasian Stage
- The natural log of 1.002588 is 0.00258465 ~ 2,584,700 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00258 is 0.00257667 ~ 2,576,670 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00200 is 0.001998002 ~ 1,998,002 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00100 is 0.000999500 ~ 999,500 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00090 is 0.000899595 ~ 899,595 years ago
Calabrian Stage ~ 1.8 million years ago
- The natural log of 1.00080 is 0.00079968017 ~ 799,680 years ago
Middle, Chibanian Stage ~ 777 thousand years ago
Brunhes–Matuyama reversal, aka
The LAST MAGNETIC POLE REVERSAL 781 ± 5 thousand ya
Suggested harmonic refinements to this date within this range:
- 781,618 years ago
- 777,777 years ago
Tarantian Stage ~ 126,000 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00
- The natural log of 1.00001 is .0000099 ~ 10,000 years ago
- The natural log of 1.000001 is .00000099 ~ 1000 years ago
- The natural log of 1.0000001 is .000000099 ~ 100 years ago
- The natural log of 1.00000001 is .0000000099 ~ 10 years ago
- The natural log of 1.000000001 is .00000000099 ~ 1 year ago
This model obviously works better at the billion and million year scales. However, once the full pattern and its constituent causes have all been deduced, we may actually be able to define precise years for much old events, as well as be able to begin correlating the sources of each impact, their relationship to each lunar mare, and a better sense of the timing of the Moon’s retreat from Earth.
The most compelling correlations in the model must be the KPT Boundary and its relationship to the Feigenbaum constant. The recursive nature of the debris is clearly indicated.

The Chixculub impact lies on the exact edge of the predicted Sea of Tranquility to Gulf of Mexico “impact” predicted by this model. The blue outline is an outline of the Sea of Tranquility mare on the Moon.

While not perfectly round, the mare measures 867km across in several directions. Below, the connected Sea of Nectaris is shown overlapping Mexico’s mountians and specifically its volcanoes. This is likely die to electromagnetic plasma arc between the two bodies. The mountains and volcanoes were cathodes, and the smaller lunar craters around the mares edges represent anodes for the plasma arc connections.

As one can see, the plasma discharge exchanges between the Earth and Moon represent a sort of interference that prevented the two from colliding. The mountain and volcanoes rose to expand Earth’s diameter and shrink the Moon’s diameter by blasting off lunar material at the mares.
To this day, meteorites return recursively to their birth place, or separation point, between the Earth and Moon to strike Earth.
The red dots below represents known meteorites of the last 1000 years.

While that sounds co-incidental, there is further corroboration around the next mare in the sequence. The Sea of Tranquility correlates to to the outline of the Permian Basin in Texas, and it also has multiple impacts from millions of years ago and they are separated by millions of years, as well as recent meteorite showers.
The Sea of Serenity

This pattern can be demonstrated across the entire pattern of mare to Earth land mass correlations.